I see the BBC has decided to take up the propaganda call against pensioners benefits, by highlighting the lack of capping/means testing on benefits that have been bought and paid for over half a century or more. Seemingly ... it says is a good idea. Sadly we no longer have any faith in our government and don`t believe a word any of them says. It is up to them to renew our faith, and spouting their never ending half truths just won`t do it any more. 4. John Tandy says:.
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Stephen Tye. August 5, 2013 at 6:59 am. Oh Dear, what a load of totally self-contradictory bollo*ks. 1. LIBOR rate setting doesn`t screw pensioners- pensions are set off of gilt rates. Artificially low interest rates screw pensioners. 2. Amazon provides .... working practices. On the evisceration of what the Americans call the middle class, and we would call the aspirational working class, the attached article by John Mauldin and Charles Gave from Hong Kong is superb.
Brown explained to Zorn that the Illinois Constitution has a pension protection provision that makes it illegal for the legislature to diminish or impair state pensions. Zorn responded by telling Glen Brown that he was overly& ...
1669 - John Lockes Constitution of English colony Carolina approved ... 1749 - Pieter Steyn becomes pension advisor of Holland ... 1930 - 110°F (43°C) at Millsboro, Delaware (state record) ..... 1996 - James Tye, safety expert, dies at 74
I see the BBC has decided to take up the propaganda call against pensioners benefits, by highlighting the lack of capping/means testing on benefits that have been bought and paid for over half a century or more. Seemingly ... it says is a good idea. Sadly we no longer have any faith in our government and don`t believe a word any of them says. It is up to them to renew our faith, and spouting their never ending half truths just won`t do it any more. 4. John Tandy says:.
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